Dental lasers use light and heat to gently remove or contour the gum tissue. Our soft tissue dental lasers address our patient’s gum health, from gummy smiles to gum disease treatment. Laser dentistry is a general dental treatment that can help prevent the spread of problems like gum disease. As an alternative to surgical treatments, dental lasers offer comfortable yet effective treatment. Dr. Puneet Agarwal offers laser dentistry to his patients in Marriottsville, MD. At Dovedale Dental Care, Dr. Agarwal uses the latest in dental technology, including dental lasers, to meet his patient’s needs.
The Benefits of Laser Dentistry in Marriottsville
There are multiple advantages to laser dental treatments:
- Quick treatment times
- Fast healing
- Safe treatment
- Comfortable and painless care
- Less post-surgical bleeding
- Precise treatment
With dental lasers, our team can efficiently treat patients without pain or discomfort. Please contact our office if you notice changes in your gum health. Laser dentistry may be the right treatment for your specific oral health needs.
Dental Laser Treatments
We use a soft tissue laser to treat the gums. Our laser treatments include:
- Gum Contouring: Patients with a “gummy smile” benefit from gum contouring. A gummy smile occurs when there is excessive gum tissue that can cover much of the teeth. Using a dental laser, we can precisely cut excessive gum tissue to create a natural-looking smile.
- Periodontal Therapy: We can remove infected gum tissue with a dental laser. Periodontitis, or gum disease, can easily spread to infect the whole smile. Over time, gum disease can cause red, bleeding, and irritated gums as well as gum recession. If we find infected gum tissue, we can safely remove it with a dental laser. We may also perform gum grafting as needed. Gum grafting takes healthy gum tissue from one part of the mouth and places it to cover gum pockets. Grafting encourages the growth of healthy gum tissue.
Contact Our Dental Office
Are you interested in learning more about laser dentistry? Schedule a dental appointment with the team at Dovedale Dental Care online. You can also call 410-442-1173. We look forward to seeing you on your next visit.